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Stroll Buddies

What is a Stroll Buddy?

A Stroll Buddy loves their city and can show Strollers (visitors) around for free! Not as a guide but more like a buddy… So a stroll becomes a personalised experience where you encounter some hidden treasures as they relate to the Stroll Buddy.

Where does the foundation come in?

The Global Stroll Buddy Foundation is the central point where Stroll Buddies and the public at large can find information about the Stroll Buddy concept. The foundation promotes the concept through press releases, social media, responds to press inquiries and other means of branding.

The foundation maintains a website where Strollers can find Stroll Buddies. The Foundation also provides a free turnkey App for new Stroll Buddies that includes a fully functional booking system as well as free IT support.

In addition, the foundation develops policies and sets standards to further develop the Stroll Buddy brand.

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What is a Stroll?

A Stroll is on average a 1 to 3-hour walk/stroll where the Stroll Buddy shows one to six Strollers around their city. During this time there is an opportunity for cultural exchange, the sharing of values and creating long-term friendships.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo, when an unknown printer took a galley.

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