Core Values

What we are all about…

Our core values define who we are, what we do and what we strive for.
This is very different from the rules we ask Stroll Buddies to live up to. Or, as we call them, the Stroll Buddy promise.

No matter if you are a Stroll Buddy, a Stroller, a local representative or a staff member, this is what we would like you to have at the center of your experience:


We strongly believe the Stroll Buddy concept ‘Will make the world a better place, one Stroll at a time…

Stroll Buddies and visitors don’t wait for a better world to come along but make the effort to create one


Stroll Buddies and visitors come from all 4 corners of the world and they represent diversity not just in cultural background but also in different ages, gender or race. Diversity leads to inclusion which makes Stroll Buddies and visitors feel valued and respected.


Since we are all a reflection of the Stroll Buddy community improving the world starts with us! Great opportunities to improve the world seldom come around but small ones surround us every day. These small acts multiplied by many will change the world!


Don’t forget to have a good time and you are the reason somebody smiled today

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