What we stand for...

Corporate view…

People join the Stroll Buddy community for different reasons but we all share some commonalities that make the Stroll Buddy concept unique; we all share the same vision that drives us, our mission that enables our vision and our values that makes this great concept so special…

Our Vision

“Making the world a better place; one Stroll at the time…”

Every Stroll facilitates positive interaction between people from different cultures, lifestyles, religious backgrounds or ages and therefore creates understanding, empathy and mutual trust and respect.

Our Mission

To achieve our vision, we will increase the number of Strolls around the world by:

  • Expanding the number of Stroll Buddy destinations around the world and developing better support systems,
  • Ensure the Stroll experience is safe and pleasant by standardising processes and meeting global quality control standards,
  • Seek Patrons that can assist in adding value to the Scroll Buddy concept, and
  • Creating an inspiring working environment where the values that apply to the Stroll Buddy concept also apply to staff and other stakeholders.

Our Values


We strongly believe that the Stroll Buddy concept will make the world a better place; one Stroll at a time… Stroll Buddies and Strollers don’t wait for a better world to come along but they make the effort to create one.


Stroll Buddies and Strollers come from all 4 corners of the world and they represent diversity not just in the cultural background but also of different ages, gender or race. Diversity leads to inclusion which makes Stroll Buddies and Strollers feel valued and respected.


Since we are all a reflection of our community improving the world starts with us. Great opportunities to improve the world seldom come around but small ones surround us every day. These small acts multiplied by many will change the world and make it a better place; one Stroll at a time…


Don’t forget to have a good time and you will be the reason someone smiles today.

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