Become a Stroll Buddy

Starting a new destinationStart Here…

So you ant to be a Stroll Buddy? Great!

Great you are interested in becoming a Stroll Buddy !
We do need some information to ‘get you going’ and we ask you to live up to the Stroll Buddy promise, confirm you are 18+ and agree to the term of service.

You want to know more about the concept first? Then please fill out us with THIS FORM and we will send you some additional information.

Happy to get to know you soon!

Become a Stroll Buddy

Great, you’re thinking of becoming a Stroll Buddy! We are sure you will love it! Simply complete this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Step 1 of 6


  • Step 1 – Membership Stroll Buddy Network

  • Please enter your Stroll Buddy Membership Number here and click on the little hourglass to fetch your data…
  •     Did you forget your password?

  • In order to become a Stroll Buddy we ask you to be a member of the global Stroll Buddy community.
    By completing this form you will automatically be registered.
    After submitting this form you will receive a confirmation email with login details so you can access and edit your profile at any time.

  • Step 2 – Contact information…

  • Tell us some of the information that we need to communicate with you.

  • Don’t worry, your phone number will never be shared with strollers. It is just in case we need to get in contact with you.
  • OK, not really relevant but some visiting Strollers may have “some reason” why they would prefer a gender specific Stroll Buddy. Lets go with the flow here…
    Your gender will never be shared with Strollers and will remain hidden on the system.

  • We just need to have some idea as this may help us match you with the right Stroller…
    Your age will never be shared with Strollers and will remain hidden on the system.

    Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • You can upload a small passport type photo of yourself.
    The photo will be cropped to 220 px heigh by 170 px wide and must be in either jpg, gif or png format.
    Your photo will be shown to the Stroller AFTER you set a “place, date & time” for your Stroll.

  • Step 3 – Tell us where you want to start being a Stroll Buddy

  • Please tell us if there are – or there are no – other Stroll Buddies active in the city you want to get started.
    If there are other Stroll Buddies active you will find your city on the map or in ‘Destinations per country’

  • If you can find a destination in the list below, you can join them rather than starting a new destination.

  • Tell us the city or town and the country where you would like to be a Stroll Buddy.

  • Please write a few paragraphs about your destination. What are the destination’s highlights. Why should a visitor come to your destination? Between 100and 200 words will do . . . . . .
  • Please upload a photo, free of copyrights to be placed on the destination’s webpage.
    Photos will be resized to 600 wide and 400 high.

  • Step 4 – Tell us a about the languages that you speak…

    So we can match you better with guests, please tell us what languages you speak? You don’t have to be fluent in a language; just let us know which language and at what level you speak it…

  • This is your preferred language for all standard correspondence (if available). If not available you will receive emails in English.
  • So we can match you better with guests, could you please tell us what languages you speak? You don’t have to be fluent in a language; just let us know which language and at what level you speak it…

  • Step 5 – Your availability . .

    Here you can lists your availability. Don’t worry to much because you will have the opportunity to change this later. . .

  • Step 6 – Getting ready to send . . .

    As a world wide organisation, the Stroll Buddy Foundation endeavours to provide a high quality and consistent service to visitors. It is therefore important that you are 18 years of age or older, have read, understood and agree to implement the Stroll Buddy Core Values and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this website.

  • To become a Stroll Buddy you need to be 18 years of age or older.

  • Being part of the Stroll Buddy community, we need to ensure that we as Stroll Buddies deliver a high and consistent standard that is in line with our values and within the perimeters of this great concept.

        View The Stroll Buddy Promise

  • This agreement sets out your rights and obligations within the Stroll Buddy community…

        View The Stroll Buddy Agreement

  • Please provide a strong password so you will be able to access your profile and manage your Strolls…

    Strength indicator
  • Tick the box…

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