About the Foundation

Some facts about the foundation…


This website is owned by the Stroll Buddy Foundation.
The foundation was registered in 2011 at the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, file number 851127149.

Contact information:

Global Stroll Buddy Network Foundation
c/o Jos Nusse (Chairman)
Godetiaweg 113
Phone number: 0031651829693
Mail address: jos@strollbuddy.com

The objective of the Stroll Buddy Foundation is to “Connect People”.

You can read more about the foundation’s vision, mission and values.

We highly appreciate if you want to financially support the foundation – more information about donations.

We are also looking for volunteers in a wide variety of roles. Read more…


The Stroll Buddy Foundation has successfully asked the Dutch government to issue an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) certification (851127149). This is, in essence, a “Not for Profit” charitable status.

One of the advantages of this certification is that the Foundation is able to receive gifts without having to pay taxes and that donations given to the Foundation may be tax-deductible.

You can read more about this on the Dutch Taxation Department website. You can also find confirmation of the Stroll Buddy’s approval status by searching for our name here…

This certification will not influence the Stroll Buddy concept, our goals or the way we work.


The board of the Global Stroll Buddy Network Foundation has currently three members:

J.J. Nusse – Chairman
M. de Wilde – Treasurer
R.F. Nusse – Member

Remuneration policy

The Global Stroll Buddy Network Foundation does not pay – nor has ever paid – any fees to any of the board members or officeholders. All board members are 100% voluntary.

Policy plan

The Stroll Buddy Foundation aims to focus on growth; both in terms of the number of Stroll Buddy destinations as well as the number of Strolls.

You can read about our goals and intentions in our Policy plan 2021 – 2025 


The financial audited accountants of 20162017201820192020 are available online and to the public (sorry, in Dutch only).

RSIN number

The Global Stroll Buddy Network Foundation is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands with RSIN number 821745438

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